Daniel Leutenegger, Rathausgasse 18, CH-3011 Bern, www.ch-cultura.ch

Daniel Leutenegger
Rathausgasse 18
CH-3011 Bern

Der brasilianische Dichter Manoel de Barros ist gestorben

Der brasilianische Dichter Manoel de Barros ist gestorben

15.11.2014 Der am 19. Dezember 1916 in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, geborene brasilianische Dichter Manoel de Barros (Bild) ist am 13. November 2014 in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, gestorben.

Foto: http://www.releituras.com/manoeldebarros_bio.asp

Morre o poeta Manoel de Barros, aos 97 anos

Recluso, autor criou linguagem própria, transformando a natureza em matéria-prima para versos


De Barros se crió en una granja y su relación con su tierra natal siempre fue muy fuerte, hasta el punto de ser apodado "el poeta del Pantanal", en referencia a esta región pantanosa y de naturaleza exuberante del suroeste brasileño.

   Sus libros han sido publicados en Portugal, Francia, España y Estados Unidos, y siguen despertando el interés de los lectores. En febrero la editorial Leya lanzó una caja con su poesía completa y a finales de este mes Alfaguara anunció la adquisición de su obra completa, que empezará a ser reeditada en el segundo semestre de 2015.


Known for his peculiar use of everyday language, which he called "the olde Manoelish idiolect", and for drawing inspiration from the most down-to-earth subject matters, Barros claimed he could summarize the story of his life in a few sentences: "I was born in Cuiabá, in December 1916, and was raised in the marshes of Corumbá. I was nothing but a burden and a source of anguish to my parents. I lived as a beggar and a pariah everywhere in Bolivia and Peru. I've lived in the most squalid places because I take pleasure in acting like lizards and stones. So far, I've published ten books. I don't believe in any of them. I've been in search of myself my whole life, to no avail-which is why I've been saved. I'm a farmer and a cattleman. My inheritance is the reason why I didn't end in the gutter. I like reading and listening to music, especially Brahms. I can be classified along with those who suffer from morale, because poetry is all I do," he wrote.











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